I got married in the Payson, Utah temple and loved using the stained glass as inspiration
Hello! My name is Aria Bucko and welcome to Bucko Bakery!
My passion has always been in the arts. Whether it be in theater, singing, dancing, playing piano, baking, painting or drawing.
My love of baking and decorating started at a young age though I didn't quite realize how much I enjoyed it at the time. I spent a majority of my childhood in the suburbs in Beaverton, Oregon where I would set up a stand selling cupcakes and lemonade in our local park. I loved baking even if it was just making a box mix cake decorated with a premade tub of frosting. When I was 11 (and very blonde) I had the oppurtunity to decorate a cake with a good friend's mother who was a cake decorator. This cake was then auctioned off at our church fundraiser and I found it to be a proud moment of mine knowing someone else would get to enjoy what I created (with lots of help of course). After turning 12, my father's job moved my family around quite a bit. While moving around so often, I didn't bake as much. School was getting more stressful, church duties were bigger and I took care of my siblings more and more. I wrote off having a career in the arts as I was always hearing I could never make a living that way. I had the dream of being a teacher instead.
When I was 15, my siblings and I lived with my grandparents in Oregon for a year while my parents sold our New York home and it's where I finished up my freshman year of highschool. The next summer I moved back to New York where I decided to drop out of highschool and pursue college. I started full time college courses that winter semester at my local community college and enjoyed every minute of it. With college classes, life stayed busy and I still didn't bake much.
While I finished up my college finals for my first semester, my family moved down to Homestead, Florida. I followed them a month later. When I turned 16 I started looking for full time jobs. I was hired at Dairy Queen. After a year of working there I was appointed the head cake decorator. I enjoyed coming up with ideas and doing custom orders. While working there I also started baking at home a bit and coming up with odd frosting combinations. I started getting excited to plan out cakes and cupcakes for family birthdays.
When still working at Dairy Queen, my parents divorced. We moved from a roomy house in a good neighborhood to an extremely sketchy neighborhood apartment. I lived with my mother and two of my younger siblings while one of my brothers was a 10 minute drive away with my father. I threw myself into working and my mother started a rigorous college course so many household duties became mine. Between work, my college courses, church, running errands, nannying and dropping off and picking up siblings, I took a break from baking.
After turning 18, I moved out to Utah where my boyfriend (now husband) was going to BYU. When living in my apartment I started baking more and my interest grew. After getting married almost six months later I found myself getting more cake tools and going through pinterest looking at cake photos. I then started practicing with single tiered cakes, different flavors, tiered cakes, etc. From there the interest turned into an actual passion and in December of 2020 I launched my small bakery business making cakes out of our newly purchased home.
After a year of making wedding cakes, I decided to branch out to teaching. Only problem was venues and having the funds to invest in tools and venue deposits. After a year of searching, I finally found the perfect venues and have started teaching classes. The dream of my elementary school self becoming a teacher could finally come true AND I get to add my passion of cakes to the mix. It's an extreme joy, one I don't take for granted. I LOVE my job and I love love! I've been happily married for six years and my husband is my number one cheerleader. You might see him at a delivery with me!
I love being able to make an idea come to life and I get very excited when I'm able to bring joy through my art and skill. Making art that looks - and tastes - good is never something I thought I'd have the oppurtunity to do. It's a true dream and I'm grateful for all of the support my family, friends and customers have given me. I always look forward to connecting with my customers and would love to make your cake dream come true! I've now been full time cakes for over three years, let's make some magic!
Bucko Bakery
936 S 200 E Orem, Utah 84058
Currently scheduled: February-May (different flavors every month!)
Perfect for a sweet treat or as an affordable wedding cake tasting box.